Pathogens in Sociopaths

          From the 1970s until his death (36 years ago today, of AIDS-related organ failure) GaΓ«tan Dugas spread the HIV virus to thousands of people.  Dugas' behavior was never in question—he claimed 2,500+ sexual partners during his years as a flight attendant.  What is debated: was Dugas a sociopath, intentionally infecting with the conscience of a serial killer?

          Consider the last paragraph a springboard to a personal perspective:

          In 1988, the US Army Criminal Investigations office where I worked, in Seoul, South Korea, began an attempted murder investigation.

          "Corporal Sid" was diagnosed with HIV (referred to as "the AIDS virus" back-then) and, subsequently, was informed by medical professionals—and his commanding officer—that he was to never have any sexual contact without a condom and was always required to inform every sexual partner he was HIV positive (even with a condom).

          Sid bragged to a buddy about 'killing whores with his dick' - his buddy told us - we interviewed Sid - and he readily admitted to having unprotected intercourse with several prostitutes.  He was charged with: Disobeying a Direct Order; Aggravated Assault; Reckless Endangerment; and Attempted Murder.

          Our contact-trace investigation was of limited effect.  Although we were successful in locating and interviewing every woman Sid claimed to have had sexual contact with (three tested positive for HIV) we were unable to identify most of the men with whom those women subsequently had sexual contact with (Note: in the late-1980s the period between contamination and first symptom averaged 9-12 months.)

          When asked why, Sid said, '...I'm gonna die because got the-AIDs from some whore.  So why not try to take-out as many as I can?...'

          When asked what he thought about the men who he was passing the virus to, Sid said. '...I never had sex with any dudes!...'

          When re-asked (after explaining what we thought was obvious to everyone), Sid said, '...guess you're right about that, but fuck-em.  Teach those dumb asses not to wear a condom. ...  I really don't care.  I am going to be dead in a year or so.  Guess I'z just doin my part to thin the herd a bit...'

          Coronavirus parties, Rudy Gobert-Bourgarel, Spring breakers, mega-church evangelists, and other people who behave recklessly, may only be (most are) clueless idiots.  But there are infected people who are sociopaths and there are also those who are hyper-focused psychopaths—who may be smart enough not to tell anyone what they are doing.

          Stay home.  Wash your hands—constantly.  Wear a face mask or scarf over your nose and mouth when you go to the grocery store, walk/jog outdoors to stay fit or go to your mission critical job.  I specifically want to thank all who are risking their life to perform society's critical hands-on jobs in:  health care, security, transportation, administration, logistics and supply (which, currently, includes my wife).

image excerpt by Mary Hurlbut    

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