Course Curriculum (Go On, Part 2)

          Reviewing Part 1 of the Go On Curriculum, may be helpful.

          Viewing these videos in "mix-tape order" is intended to reveal connections or insights (which may not be as apparent to those who hopscotch thru the playlist or who dive down the rabbit hole*).
          The first University-Professor-of-philosophy's lecture (immediately below) could have been included at the end of Part 1; however, this condensation of information—related to non-empirical knowledge, belief, symbolism, et cetera—is considered more relevant to "is-ought" philosophical questions, which is why it is in Part 2.  
          And (dear heart) prematurely viewing The Part 3 (T/T/T) only should only taunt you with awareness of its existence, unless that proximity-hiccup just jarred you; beyond here, there be dragons.  

* Hopefully, it's unnecessary to mention:  diving down the internet "rabbit hole" is both desirable and intended; the more tangents one explores, the more one understands related concepts.

   If one were to have only five hours to expand their mind (which is a relatively tiny amount of time) listening to these people will definitely change the mind of the person who started these dozen videos.