(click for 🔎)

           This conglomeration of nine real image portions (one which was quasi-distorted) is intended to instigate a type of ambedo.  One's eye is drawn to the center, into a storefront, to a poster on the wall above teller windows—what kind of business would KISSES be and who would be so comfortable, in today's society, to challenge their customers with such a necessary (albeit polarizing) question?  The pleasantly warm bustle of a city and the genuine happiness of a mother—yet what city has simple-to-climb rungs on sidewalk electric poles?  Multiple mirrors provide you, the driver, with ample all-around views—but what is happening around your bus?  And, what thought(s) or emotion(s) was the artist trying to instigate in viewers . . . of the sticker they adhered to the electric pole?   

Composite collage art comprised of photos by:

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