Notes on Discernment (From The Fabric of a Past-When to a Future-When)
Imagine an ability to measure yourself
How would that happen?
I played the computer game Myst when it first came out. After many days of puzzle solving I got "stuck" and could not progress until I "escaped" from an underground mine. I attempted escaping for hours and then I quit the game entirely. Online discussion boards were available to explain every aspect of the game, however, I considered that would be cheating myself.
Playing thru the 25th Anniversary edition of the game (with a commensurate number of "games" stored in my memories after a quarter-century) I found myself easily escaping the mine. And wondering to myself: 'How did I not realize (back when I got stuck in the 1990s) how to pay attention to everything happening to my avatar in that mine?'
The game did not get easier. I had become more proficient at puzzle solving. On my own. Without cheating myself.
CJ the X (in his video titled: 6 shapes of god) is so much better at communicating what his brain has experienced, than .
When you listen to his feature-length lecture the first time, you might not be able to understand everything in context (or in metaphor). But, on second watch, (eyes closed) you may become aware that not every philosopher worth your attention is a professor employed in academia. There are highly capable people available to guide you toward how to better measure your progress in this game; how to not want to cheat yourself; and how to escape the mind, or mine.
1st Qtr 2024 - Dribbles In The Dust
Station Skepticism
pretty sleepy; but now-me has a few moments of lucidity
Your 'creative persona' (which seizes control whenever it is allowed) directs your attention to focus on the quantity of positive qualia present, as well as it's (your) ever-constant self-goal-challenge of striving toward a noticeable improvement in quality until satisfaction eventually becomes contentment. [A prerequisite of this self-goal: Possessing the capability to imagine what satisfied-and-contented would feel like; recognizing the satisfied-contented experience while it is happening; and evaluating satisfactory-contentment as a memory (which is what recalling what it felt-like feels like).]
The Blessings and Curses of Tim "Meanie" O'tae
- Occasionally referred-to as "both a blessin'-an'-a-curse".
- Would never even be contemplateable to ever think of those circumstances in that manner.
- The foundation upon which Meanie learned how to become who he would and would-not become as an adult.
Imagine yourself seeing this from Tim's perspective: He was thinking of a mind other than his own mind. And this other mind has the ability to run a diagnostics report of it's internal function system and a diagnosis can be made—by Tim about Tim—in a way that Tim *thinks* he is behaving/believing in an objective (switching to subjective) manner of the "good shark". Everyone is a good shark inside of themselves. On their own stage. Of course, for every one of us, some form of internal regulator must be built up from a chosen "baseline" value-system (full disclosure: default-mode is the one instilled/reinforced by adult-guardians). As awareness of the rational combines with the sometimes-arbitrary emotional—in a chaotic shark-soup of cause-and-effect—the intended-state to remain in a 'remind myself to never forget' frame-of-mind, clashes with the 'I'm now-and-forever anchored to a point of consistent evaluation of itself/myself,' which exists only in this moment. Evaluate and compare those impressive wavelengths of qualia (in-of a *musical-scratch-sniff postcard*) to all prior un-informed states of previously-held ignorance/naivety . . . drifting . . . forgetting . . . you've lost its leash . . . is it now-feral and should it not-now be thought of as apart from chaos? It's not simple to imagine Tim's shoes on your feet; or is it?
symbol transliteration
Evolution (mistakenly referred-to as survival of the fittest) can be easily identified when an animal's society (or culture) incentivizes specific characteristics over others. If a specific eye-color or body-size or strength or wing-span is favored by enough of a species, for multiple generations, those selectively chosen-for traits or characteristics are said to have "evolved" to become dominant.
more or less:
⬒ Mark Rothko ⬒
If I have a superpower, we'll know in the next...
Kill the GOP, Kill it Dead |
֎ spock-hold π€ mind-meld ֍
What Difference A Year Makes
⚜ stop all engagement (including active listening)⚜ take the mental label maker from long-term storage (blow the dust off)
⚜ lock-in this new label with this new item -
⚜ if new label is already associated with an existing item (beige name)⚜ identify "hook" to hang it on (e.g. Greyhound Charles)⚜ if new label is novel, confusing, or multi-syllabic (e.g. Veach name)⚜ identify reason for confusion ("¿spell that for me please?")⚜ recall and confirm new label after a relatively significant quantity of time lapses