Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

1st Qtr 2024 - Dribbles In The Dust

Daylight Savings Time Sprung Diligently
Forward For My First Elderly Experience
Officially Aware As Another Southbound 
10:10 Boiled Thru At 11:11 A Final Blow
[program] Intent Is To Improve [satisfied]
{final phase} Landing Gear Locked {rest}
Poorly Healing Scarred Emotional Tissues
[edit program] Define Landing Experience
Ouroboros In Metamorphosis Is Yin-yang
{relinquish command-control} Baton Pass

Every Mental Disorder is One's Aspect Of
Value And Cope: Mixed In Hate and Hope

Recognize Your Before The Fixing Started
As Point Of Reference {validly unlabelled}

After This Labelled Organism Passes They
Solidify Into More Than An Abstract Value

Intuitive Doubts About Serendipity Flutter
For Hours Along Thru And In The Goings
On As Of Course One Would Only Expect
Resolve Sweat Lodging Retaining Wall [!]




The Blessings and Curses of Tim "Meanie" O'tae

|  Open a new tab  |
|  U-Tube Simple Math by Manchester Orchestra  |
|  Come back to this tab  |
|  Read this creative non-fiction essay  |
|  As the words of this allegorical allegory flow  |
|  The sounds selected by the algo-rhythmical algorithm form  |
|  A combination of uniquely new experiential mental information  |
|  Which algorithmically aggregates into your each unfolding moment  |
|  Accept  |
        Meanie's mother divorced his dad before he could form any memories (of him).  Depending on who you asked, it was:
  • Occasionally referred-to as "both a blessin'-an'-a-curse".
  • Would never even be contemplateable to ever think of those circumstances in that manner.
  • The foundation upon which Meanie learned how to become who he would and would-not become as an adult.
        Meanie's mother's performance of June Cleaver (at Marble Meadow's Centerfield Playhouse) was how she convinced Meanie's future stepdad (who played Ward Cleaver) to marry her.  Depending on what year you happened to talk to any of them, it was either:  The role she was born-an'-raised to play; A convenient lifeboat (of sorts); Much better than her earlier role as the clumsy, baby-trapping, waitress (at The Inn's Mainhouse on the Hill); Or, it was "just another port in the storm (for all involved)".
        After taking their renditions of June and Ward Cleaver on-the-road—and dragging Meanie along—Meanie's mother's new husband's character encouraged/caused/magnified Meanie's mother to develop/create/accelerate her increasingly authoritarian retinue in order to (punish Meanie for being an O'Tae) find a reason to keep Meanie in a constant state of uncertainty.  Consequently, some oddly vague things were referred-to as sins and Meanie was beaten-down for some random (other) oddly specific things.
        Even though those vague-specifics changed as Meanie grew, their absolute-forbidden nature was something of which Meanie's mother was always 100% certain.  Her highlight-reel included various levels of physical and mental punishments for:  riding bicycles; playing with dolls or action figures; not talking and just staring when being scolded; always asking 'why' (called talking-back); crying for any reason; accusing any grownup of deception or of being wrong; playing with 'unapproved-of' neighbors or schoolmates (within her vicinity) or (on the rare occasion Meanie was permitted to leave the yard) playing with any 'unapproved-of' toys belonging to others.  ["Hey Timmy, wanna come over an' shoot at GI-Joe's with my BB-gun?" . . . "Can't. I'm not allowed."]

         'He raped me' was the foreign-sounding sentence his mother readily unsheathed after Meanie was old enough to wonder, naive enough to expect a logical explanation, and bold enough to ask why she had left his dad before he could remember his face.  Meanie had nobody to request another explanation from.  Step-dad was too comfortably-afraid of losing his ready-made facade-family and Sunday school teacher's, pastor's, and adult neighbor's (murmuring *ask yer parents*) would always report Meanie's queries (resulting in an excuse for more or additional punishments).  And since he was still too young for elementary school, Meanie had no older kids to ask what rape was.
        Meanie never actually knew that was his nickname.  He thought what he did with other boys was "teasing" and that it was funny, entertaining (and felt a little exciting).  He had no idea that his behavior was called bullying (or that he was doing it to the other boys).  He did, eventually, realizeonce he was privileged-enough to earn his own personal bully (who's knuckle-rap-punches to Meanie's head were never hard enough to bruise and never witnessed by an adult).
        In order for middle-schooler little Timmy O'Tae to avoid his mother's worst emotional-torture, he never informed any adult about the daily assaults and constant fear-of-the-next one . . . *when's he gonna catch me again?*
        By the time he reached puberty, Tim Cleaver (never mistakenly called O'tae because the Cleaver's were always moving to a new state, new classmates, new neighbors) was an expert at camoflaged-hiding (in a living room or a classroom) and reading the vibrations in every environment with the goal to fine-tune his 'early warning signal'.  Tim was always refining it—that was automatic-mandatory.  Primary mission (think: Captain Kirk's voice) to better-identify the hidden intent of the sharks in the water before they get within striking range.  And most of the sharks have camouflaged themselves to the point that you forget that everything is one form of shark or another.  Hammerhead to Nurse; Whale to White.     

        Jobs after school and during school-breaks (for under-minimum-wage cash) became Tim Cleaver's only way to spend every possible waking hour away-from the Cleaver home and out-of his mother's vicinity.  She punish-enforced half of Tim's paychecks into a college savings account; the blessing and curse of which (depending on perspective and when you asked whomever) was that:  He never had enough money for socializing or for himself - and - 17-year-old-Tim had compiled the ability to graduate high-school and immediately escape to the cheapest in-state college available at that time.  Thanks Mom, he never said; thanks-to-me, she always said.
        Late-teenager-Tim Cleaver's mask began to fit less uncomfortably once he transferred to an out-of-state university.  He could go daze or sometimes almost unmemorable weaks before forgetting to remember that he still had it on.
        Because the Art of Presenting a Low Profile was all Tim's every memorable experience in his entire crib-to-college existence had ingrained/trained/practiced, joining a huge faceless organization and becoming just another small knuckle-joint in the machine (disappearing) was The Best-Only Available Option, behaviorally.
Imagine yourself seeing this from Tim's perspective:  He was thinking of a mind other than his own mind.  And this other mind has the ability to run a diagnostics report of it's internal function system and a diagnosis can be made—by Tim about Tim—in a way that Tim *thinks* he is behaving/believing in an objective (switching to subjective) manner of the "good shark".  Everyone is a good shark inside of themselves.  On their own stage.  Of course, for every one of us, some form of internal regulator must be built up from a chosen "baseline" value-system (full disclosure: default-mode is the one instilled/reinforced by adult-guardians).  As awareness of the rational combines with the sometimes-arbitrary emotional—in a chaotic shark-soup of cause-and-effect—the intended-state to remain in a 'remind myself to never forget' frame-of-mind, clashes with the 'I'm now-and-forever anchored to a point of consistent evaluation of itself/myself,' which exists only in this moment.  Evaluate and compare those impressive wavelengths of qualia (in-of a *musical-scratch-sniff postcard*) to all prior un-informed states of previously-held ignorance/naivety . . . drifting . . . forgetting . . . you've lost its leash . . . is it now-feral and should it not-now be thought of as apart from chaos?  It's not simple to imagine Tim's shoes on your feet; or is it?
         All if-of who Tim has experienced to-date was aided/abetted as well as informed-formed by [list the ever-growing spectrum of consciousness disorders] . . . CPTSD/Asperger's/Autism/Personal Logic-Honor System/emotionally programmed by punishment(s) . . .etcetera . . . Tim was (still, unfortunately) perfecting the art of presenting a low profile (even though the reasons to do-so were less-necessary).
        Preliminarily accepting the uniform-role of follower; Encouraging people to never think about you when you were not in the room; Never blaming anyone besides yourself and your own failings:  These were a slice of Tim's behaviors (depending on who you want to believe).  And, at the same time, Tim's early warning antenna became even more finely tuned (any hint of unrest on any horizon was immediately met with fawning and acquiescent attention toward whomever caused that unrest).  This was still the case even-though he was associating with (or thinking about) his mother and step father less and less-often.  Then death.  Then estrange.
        Then.  Eventually, or some later when, Old Timothy O'tae changed who he was.  By legally returning to his preferred name and starting to fulfill the life he was determined to desire.  As Timothy fully embraced the truthful manner of living without hypocrisy, he recognized (for the first time in his relatively long life) that he was:
No longer able to fully bully himself
Shamefully shameful
Shy-fully selfish
Willingly holding-to-held himself up
To the standards required of him by himself
Dealing-to-dealt with each of the selvwe's
 And all our my me's
I know that only I kin ken
But only because I allow myself
Certain get-away-with's or -without's
Which side-step all forms
 Of need for self-recriminating behaviors
So, no longer vexing myself with shame
Or allowing any self-blame to ricochet around
And never permitting vitriolic self-effacement
Allows the bliss-happy-neutral to root
And it - then - becomes the dominant
Mood-tone personality theme-song aura
Which Emanates from the baseline level grasp
Of the areas in front of and adjacent the occipital lobe
As longer experiences rest between 8.5 and 10.5
Tempered-to (not-to) all the way to eleven
Forming unobserved-waves which enlighten while
Lengthening love's amplitude  |  Rinse-repeat
As the selves dance in every best-imagined
And the crest of a wave continues floating
Always crossing here
At some point
h e r e


It Matters Not The Terrain
Chosen By You Or For You
As Long As The Destination
Reached, Then-Them Valued
Step Up, Step Down, Crouch,
As Long As The Next Moment
Falls Within Your Future Grasp
And You Can Understand Why

Control Needs Beyond Reach
Accept Your Own Assistance
Experiment Strengthen-ing
Yourself As Long As You

֎ spock-hold ๐Ÿค mind-meld ֍


แ›‰ โฒถ โฒถ โดธ
ใƒŸ   แฏฃ  แฆ’   ๐ฉ˜๐‘๐ฉ•
แณถ๊•†   แจ†แจ•   ๊ค‚แœฏเณž
⚆    ➲ ⨀ ↈ   
  ✺⛰   ⬢   ๐Ÿ”˜
๐–คˆ ๐–ค’    ๐ž ๐–ค…   


What Difference A Year Makes

Mystery may be mysterious, but it always causes curiosity in the curious
Thoughts are those things inside us, which exist before we say them
Thoughts become cogent ideas the longer one contemplates them
Us our-cells and we:  Non-Essential in Forming the NonDual
whelmax zipless tightsoft darksilent 11Ksec drypump up-level {90∆8-1/4hhc-30+60ⓒ}


Reserved for Shark Boy


biggest goes to most
nimble and agile climber
(hooves horns and a throat)

cunning ferocious
provides center protection
(claw fang smell and stealth)

nocturnal sentry
highest prominence alight
(beak talon hearing and sight)

camouflaged silent
surveillance tech rarely fight
(one empty spot left)
surgery thoroughfare
adorned by alley-hieroglyphs
reserved for shark boy

& NOW for something completely related:


How Evelyn just-Val You 18737560008 SHUN becomes YEEV


    This group of sentences:

Evelyn is called Eve or Evie by everyone.  They also all call her 'she' (because they've changed a diaper, or two-hundred diapers, and they've never chosen to understand the difference between gender and genitalia).  Evelyn can not wait to grow up.  When asked, 'what're you gonna be when you're a big girl, Eve?'  Evelyn always replies:  "Smart enough to know better!"  Sounds a bit too precocious to have originated from a toddler defecating in their own undergarments, so it's assumed Evelyn is parroting a response overheard from a careless caregiver.

    Could be a paragraph if it were part of a larger story-framework.  Could be a complete story.  Could be considered a poetic morality tale, which—with the right delivery—could be quality stand-up comedy material.  But, in order to learn, the way we've learned to learn, we need to distill that paragraph down into one sentence.

Evelyn already recognizes possession of intellect and its lack.

    Now the next group of sentences:

Val never answers anyone who asks, 'Is that short for Valerie or Valentin?'  They always reply: "Just Val."  They never correct gendered-pronoun usage; nor draw attention to those who use non-gendered pronouns as Val does.  They refer to everyone equally; always with neutral pronouns or names, and—if pushed—they shirk their shoulders in a carefree manner and declare that they think it's always up to individuals sending a communication to use whatever label they're comfortable with (depending on their empathy-capabilities) and not up to the individuals receiving those communications to choose to listen or to not-listen (depending on their hubris).
Just-Val values practice-what-you-preach ethics impeccably.

    This group of sentences deviates from the story-teller's point of view and makes the case for "stand alone stories":
You are aware of the constant-transitory-state, pertaining to every present moment, in which you currently exist.  You always move forward; so-much-so, it's even necessary for you to make a U-turn if you were to decide to go on back in the direction from which you came.  Much like every other 'middle name or mid-Init' you don't think in terms of labels regarding your present form or mental formation or UbiqUitoUs-flUx.  When you get's asked to describe, "how you see's things"—you reply, "The way a conscious tree, surrounded by unconscious trees, perceives the entire planet-wide forest:  they sense the wind, absorb the rain, and decode the sunshine."

You breathes drinks and energizes.  You breathe drink and energize.  Yourbreathdrinkenergy.

    This fourth paragraph steps further into the "stand alone vignettes" but (possibly) now groups itself in an 'abstraction-of-unity' with its predecessor:

Eighteen billion seven-hundred thirty-seven million five hundred and sixty thousand and eight never thinks of themself with commas 18,737,560,008 or a nickname; but they understand why others need a visual prompt to more-easily recall their name.  Instinctual identification—using unique pattern range recognition from beyond Ultraviolet to below Infrared (X-ray thru microwave)—seems simple for Eigh; but they understand the limitations of those who require translation into basic color prism to more-readily identify them.

 Every cell (insect, unit, byte) has a name and knows their own name.

    And this last paragraph wins gold for sticking the finish:

Shun is who they are because that is what they appear to do.  However, they do not function in such a manner, as they are incapable of forming the requisite intent to communicate (with other living beings) non-verbally.  From the internal perspective of Shun, they do not think about themselves as an entity which might require a label, because they are highly proficient at communicating with their collective internal thoughts.  Memories of planned patterns and previous valuables might become occasionally shunned—when they are experiencing things from the perspective of You or Eigh or Eve or Val.

Eigh is I; You and I are we.  Evelyn <do you see it> grown-up is just-Val.  <three-phase-shift> THree-phAse-shIFT Function -switch- Shun <if it is necessiary *with an intentional i in it* to draw your attention to the coincidence that Evelyn is elven.  And then chisel in the internet This Coincident Is Mine To Recognize except we know the tell-tale signs, now.  Seeing everything through YEEV You,I,EVAL UIEVAL>

    The five sentences are then read as a collection, their own paragraph as-it-were:

        Evelyn already recognizes possession of intellect and its lack.  Just-Val values practice-what-you-preach ethics impeccably.  You breathes drinks and energizes.  You breathe drink and energize.  Yourbreathdrinkenergy.  Every cell (insect, unit, byte) has a name and knows their own name.  You and I are we.  Evelyn grownup is justVal.  Funk/Shun.

    Then (cresCHEndo) The once line to rule them all {letters added}:

to function, we-our-cells-and-us, travel under the YEEV banner (logo, masthead, sculptural icon)

    I would feel remiss, if I didn't point out that that inner voice you listen to when reading?  This one?  They.  don't shout.  they... yup.  they say it like:  weourselves'nUs.  Jus sozz you know.

{clap clap}then, from behind the box where Carol Marol is standing:

<15 DEC 22 origin artwork>

<23 JUL 23 origin character name EVE with infant artwork>

<19 JUL 23 self-poem-trait>


Form Bonding {or... when does what feel?}

        To teach the brain cells we previously agreed would need-never forget how to teach the brain cells previously agreed by all of us were safe-to-assume they never-need unlearn that self-less needs never need to forget their prior configurations were less (of everything they could be less-of) but that their current self is never less (their may sound the same as they're, but ¡don't be fooled!).  There Are novel to new-you connections being formed every moment within every second.
        Foundations are fortified and reinforced by forming new frameworks out of insights you will be able to attain tomorrow, because we understand—today—how to teach brain cells how to teach brain cells to recognize the difference between noticing our previous less aware, lesser-evolved selves, in our rear-view mirror versus erroneously interpreting challenges of present-moment-us, as the result of being less (of everything you could be less-of).  When this misinterpretation is taken to the extreme:  you might decide to believe, or even declare—to us—that we're less of a self than you.  could ever be!  are?
        To teach the brain cells we previously agreed would need-never forget how to play Monopoly that someday they would decide to compose and then choreograph a uniquely personal gameboard with our own groundrules, as well as to alchemically formulate their own player-pieces, would sound like a ruse wrapped in a joke to my ...Don't pass Go - Don't collect two-hundred dollars... ear-balls.  But these ...typing on going... eye-lobes have configured and then they created and now they currently experience ...going on typing... and today is tomorrow ...go on type... so was yesterday.
        So was last year.  So, now, we let tomorrow arrive without a hint of pre-deliberation regarding which of our player-tokens will intentionally or unintentionally violate yesterday's rules today.  Surprise is not possible, as it is functionally intrinsic; holding on to an expectation is done in order to eventually experience being overwhelmed by an emotion (or multiple) or to, *surprise* un-fortunately, discover you don't recognize excithrilling anymore, and *feeling underwhelmed* seems to always makes us all sad. 
        Remember when you read the words 'kill your ego' and wondered if you would-should be afraid of losing a part of yourself?
        Your spare parts bud.  You're spare parts bud.  Yore's pair-part s'bud.
        Now is the point in our program where you start by deciding who will roll the die first.  Done?  {We all agreed; it only looks like it was me who randomly got picked to go first.}  The next decision has been choreographed.
        Determine which of us said what in this art-tickle.  In-your-mind's-eye put {curly} around her words, [braces] around his, and (parentheses) around mine.  And, don't be shy; imagine better dialogue.  Make us laugh.  The best laughter carries with it a built-in surprise element of:  "Loading it's own expectation-mortar    board     room   mate  pussy  yes  and-ing it right in your mother's mouth!?"  Breaks the entire premise of the fourth paragraph from my perspective.  Compliments it from mine.  I agree and disagree, both, at the same time.
compliments from the chef: 

 E V


Eve Val U Eigh Shun's Full Name


Evelyn is called Eve or Evie by everyone.  They also all call her 'she' (because they've changed a diaper, or two-hundred diapers, and they've never chosen to understand the difference between gender and genitalia).  Evelyn can not wait to grow up.  When asked, 'what're you gonna be when you're a big girl, Eve?'  Evelyn always replies:  "Smart enough to know better!"  Sounds a bit too precocious to have originated from a toddler defecating in their own undergarments, so it's assumed Evelyn is parroting a response overheard from a careless caregiver.

Val never answers anyone who asks, 'Is that short for Valerie or Valentin?'  They always reply: "Just Val."  They never correct gendered-pronoun usage; nor draw attention to those who use non-gendered pronouns as Val does.  They refer to everyone equally; always with neutral pronouns or names, and—if pushed—they shirk their shoulders in a carefree manner and declare that they think it's always up to the individual sending the communication to use whatever label they're comfortable with (depending on their empathy-capabilities) and not up to the individual receiving those communications to choose to listen or to not-listen (depending on their hubris).

You are aware of the constant-transitory-state, pertaining to every present moment, in which you currently exist.  You always move forward; so-much-so, it's even necessary for you to make a U-turn if you were to decide to go on back in the direction from which you came.  Much like every other 'middle name or mid-Init' you don't think in terms of labels regarding your present form or mental formation or UbiqUitoUs-flUx.  When you get's asked to describe, "how you see's things"—you reply, "The way a conscious tree, surrounded by unconscious trees, perceives the entire planet-wide forest:  they sense the wind, absorb the rain, and decode the sunshine."
Eighteen billion seven-hundred thirty-seven million five hundred and sixty thousand and eight never thinks of themself with commas 18,737,560,008 or a nickname; but they understand why others need a visual prompt to more-easily recall their name.  Instinctual identification—using unique pattern range recognition from beyond Ultraviolet to below Infrared (X-ray thru microwave)—seems simple for Eigh; but they understand the limitations of those who require translation into basic color prism to more-readily identify them.
Shun is who they are because that is what they appear to do.  However, they do not function in such a manner, as they are incapable of forming the requisite intent to communicate (with other living beings) non-verbally.  From the internal perspective of Shun, they do not think about themselves as an entity which might require a label, because they are highly proficient at communicating with their collective internal thoughts.  Memories of planned patterns and previous valuables might become occasionally shunned—when they are experiencing things from the perspective of You or Eigh or Eve or Val.

Sample Sum-more (there's ample):


Self Portrait 2023

It has been a decade since:  Untitled Portrait of Self
that collage-artist left the building, literally, to quite
past deeds (once sufficiently literate) then to wright
amassed reads and vast leads (once the philological
was parsimoniously attained) so 'gain insight' might
not feel foolish to read in these screeds (eventually)
my Choreographer (as envisioned by the other two)
my Composer (sometime snap sometime head)
my Alchemist (don't confuse the map with the terrain)

The hierarchy (figuratively imagined)
us, our cells, and we (teeter-tottering on reality) between the world and immediately

Trust Bank

To block out the goal's the goal
other wise you'd just sta... {re? nd? mmer? ll? tue?}
3x5 cards fit individually thru the slit in the taped-down lid

to re-read sharpie-ed notes to yourself cut thru the tape.
Who are you is not only a song by the Who.
Are you ova who waited for fertilization
learned to survive and then survived
or motile gamete who installed future gonads

learned to create and then created?
Ring-level (after creating your first functional 21-song-loop)

requires both parts of you to concur/confer and to label it.
Wear the เป‘ฮ›แ› ring to facilitate internal communication.
Sphere-level (after creating our twenty-first 21-song-loop)

requires awareness of the act of nรฆ-ing to occur

nรฆ-ing is ours to inter... {nalize? pret? view? rogate? fere?}
Go-On Level (adding/sampling more spheres from anywhen)
enhances how เป‘แ€‚แ€‚ฮ›แ›-แ›ฮ›แ›เป‘ is . . .

stare and interrogate:


The Imaginary Court Cases






which play-out in your mind, originate in the I (sounds like, "in the eye")

every judgement (sounds like, "Judge meant") depends on our consensus

I disdain the half-assed results when you veto an item on our "to-do list"

you can only half-hearted-ly enjoy unvetted items never added to the list


mindcourt: we deliberate a boulders weight (sounds like, "bolder's wait")

we learn logical reasoning rules used to imagine a list you won't shirk-off

occasionally—we, both you and I, autopilot (sounds like, "ought to pilot")

rarely is there a need for spontaneous ice cream (sounds like, "I scream")

encouraging experimentation measures each risk before it goes on the list

barriers contain curiosity (sounds like, "move 'long, nothin' to-see-hear!")

question: if you're uncurious about embracing 'question-everything ethos'

assume (sounds like, "ass-you-me") this barrier was programmed by your

one-size-fits-all society; abusive ancestors; or your cultural indoctrination

(no-matter its origin) the barrier exists because you still re-in-force prune

to learn how to disregard a barrier, discover your programming (meditate)

hint for novices (sounds like, "no vices") you clearly labelled your trauma!


The Front of My Awareness is Not Only Where I Focus (AKA Little Baby)

prove you have a strong mediator: Postpone
the thing you want to enjoy next, by waiting
until the twenty-one song recording finishes
and allow yourself to cajole (don't you need
to pee?). But, you and I, we, will prove how
to see for ourselves, that we have self-tested
and can guarantee both of us, that we're able

to stick to the decision—because, "I said so"

and you will know who you are once I learn
how to differentiate you from me, because I
fabricated "autonomously-aware agent you"
when did sexual awareness begin to solidify
the part of us you *think of* as "elsewhere"
chose solidarity with front of house and ask

balancing against your own pond-ripples is
smoothed, realizing that everything outside
of the front focus awareness of 'enn' in now
you learned to self-program from ancestors
confirm you raise children to raise children

twenty-one squared equals two-hundred fourty-one (21² = 241)

241 songs in total; 21 rows, each containing: 21 songs.
21 songs is the required length of Go On composite art
[say: co-imposi-Tar; if asked to spell:  Composit-รฆ-rt].

Possessors of the 21 curated "mix-tape" recordings, in-
fact, are able to generate 23 additional Go On artworks
[21 top-to-bottom columns & 2 bonus diagonals] = 44!
Buckled in?   Imagine these 21-song-loops in a sphere.
A diagonal slides up from the center and the final song
becomes the last song from the bottom Go On artwork.
An algorithmic program would make it possible to add
at least 54 more story lines for Orchestral-Compositors
(and this isn't even reversing or reading bottom-to-top)!


Well . . .



If I were to tell you only one thing about them; I would say,

    "They were born with more bones in the part of the spine that covers nether-regions—umm, more tailbones!   Yea, that's (was) their superpower, for sure.    Better when using it to communicate and for keeping cold winds away.   And don't get me started on how much more beautiful that presents when hoping to be noticed; but in that hard-to-notice-at-first kind of way.   You know?   Plants the idea from a distance, '...there's somethin' bout em...' and (only later) you'd be-thinkin:  *that curly tail! So expressive.*"








         If I were to tell you only one thing about them; I would say, "They were born with more bones in the part of the spine that covers nether-regions—umm, more tailbones!  Yea, that's (was) their superpower, for sure.  Better when using it to communicate and for keeping cold winds away.  And don't get me started on how much more beautiful that presents when hoping to be noticed; but in that hard-to-notice-at-first kind of way.  You know?  Plants the idea from a distance, '...there's somethin' bout em...' and (only later) you'd be-thinkin: *that curly tail!  So expressive.*"
      Is "picture any import?" or can you separate the text from the image and imbue your imagination with the insights planted there by words alone?  This is the challenge:  Write a paragraph which you hope 'sets the hook' in readers and then attach an image which stands in opposition to the intended ideas in your paragraph.

An Insect


an insect between 
two pains (pains?)
rarely, will fly out
edge "knowledge"
random or reason?
help deciding how to decipher:

Intern ... Internal ... Interesting ... Resting ... Rest


How do you pronounce the word pronounce?  Is your emphasis on the 'noun'?

Do questions go-in easier than statements?  Is your default-mode commands?

Does a furtive glance differ from a brief glimpse?  Is the 'imps' intent evident?

Consider your reaction to these sentences being read-aloud (without subtitles).

Creation's creator begets congregations:  Not a flaw or bug, but baked-right-in.
Fear, as an emotion, thrives more than pleasure, love, and happiness combined.

Infinite vs ceaseless—timeless vs without space—∅ space vs energy vs gravity.
Maximum light-speed vs maximum gravitational energy—describe black holes.

The Awake Inning

shards of ice butterfly reflection poem

I decide to sleep in this location.  It is a covered place and I am confident I can secure my person and my belongings from prying eyes and the covetous fingers who would take the few possessions I prefer to carry with me when I move because they are required and useful.  I try to sleep.  Maybe I slept.

When I get up I move thru the place with my inventory eyes, checking that everything that I left is still in the place that I left it.  The items that I require to perform morning rituals, although I do not have a firm memory of placing them where they are found, are gathered and used for their intended purposes.  I should have returned them to a central, collection point.  Maybe a small kit or carrying case.  That is a good idea.  Today I will try to keep my observant eye out for one of those.  Maybe I won't forget.

Add to reminders.  Today is the day to pack-up all the items because this temporary place will be (must be) vacated by check-out.  If check-out arrives and I have not yet packed, I will again be item-less.  But first my bladder.  I leave to locate a urinal or at least a secluded place where prying eyes and voices will permit me to release last nights wastewater without any repercussions.  I try to blend in with those with obvious destinations.  Maybe I have to set my face like they do.

There are landmarks which are not completely unfamiliar.  This collection of structures, this sidewalk, this railing, none of these people, but that doorway is the correct direction; I pause.  Wait a second.  Where am I headed?  Is that man looking at me with concern and discontent in the way he squints and purses his cheeks?  Obviously this is not the right way for a toilet.  I turn and retrace my steps.  Maybe I came this way and it only looks odd because I was walking the opposite direction.  Am I lost?  I'm not lost.  I try to not be lost.  Maybe I am.

The flow of the crowd seems to indicate they know this gangway leads somewhere they want to go, which means it is not a dead-end.  I should keep a lookout for a sign for a toilet.  This causeway must have been obscured when I was walking past here a few minutes ago.  What was I supposed to?..oh right...a backpack to put-in my face-wash and nose spray and vitamin bottles and such.  I need to get back before check-out.  And I need to leave enough time to pack up before.  No rush.  But stick to the reminders:  piss and get back to pack.  I try to prioritize.  Maybe it's less important than I think it is.

This antique store sounds empty of employees and customers.  Hello?  My muffled voice is a hollow echo-less thing of the past.  Squeezing past nothing I want and nobody to sell it to me, I see a sign for a bathroom.  This tiny cramped hallway is jammed with an overstock of junk that Nana and Papa probably left on the curb when they bought one that worked better, or forgot in their attic when they moved to a better house.  Either way, could this crooked door in a damaged door-frame be the door to the restroom?  I try to open the door quietly.  Maybe that was unnecessary. 

Pulling hard to un-stick the door jamb from the...  Hello-sorry!  (There are three women sitting almost on top of each other in this closet.)  I stammer that thought this was the restroom and offer my apologies.  Can you tell me where the restroom is?  (The tallest one stands and I get a quick flash of thigh, leg, and wind of passing scent which draws me along in her wake.)  There is a washroom down and back there.  I'll show you how to get there.  I try to not stare at her back side.  Maybe she didn't mind.

The corridor gives way to a walkway, which becomes a pedestrian shopping area.  We discuss comfortable words and move in-sync.  Her face seems always to be content with her hair either mussed by the wind or covering her freshly washed face.  I try not to want to kiss her.  Maybe she was trying to not want to kiss me.

She says we need to use this elevator-type of thing.  The bank of massive doors are closed but the smallest one on the end is just closing and I see a tiny key on a minuscule key-fob above the door frame.  I take it out of the little key-hole and show it to her.  She relays that the larger doors are always crammed to overflowing with hordes of people and that we should take the small one when it returns.  I try to listen to her wonderful voice.  Maybe she is not bothered by mine.

I drop the key and it lands on the pitted concrete floor near her hand.  (We are sitting on the floor waiting on this strange elevator which could lead to different floor, a gas chamber, or a quick crush.)  I touch her hand with my searching-for-the-key fingers.  I try not to jerk my hand away from hers.  Maybe that stare thru her unkempt bangs is as welcoming as it feels.

This is us.  We compliment each other's failures.  Our flaws are incredibly huge to the collective strange faces whom we pass on the way to our daily rituals.  A year ago, at an uncomfortable ritual we forced ourselves to attend for no clear rational reason, another couple asked the simplest describe-how-we-met question.  I try to formulate an accurate reply.  Maybe she struggles too.

From both of our perspectives, her (cramped in a vintage store closet with women she had imprinted on for no obvious or apparent reason) and me (following her faulty decision-making process because mine had been broken and I had no idea) we find it difficult to explain in sentences that make sense to common partygoers.  I try not to understand the futility of wanting to not be mentally disordered.  Maybe we are doing fine.

I try memory recall-to-future forecast, but still end up with frostbitten feet from when I was trying to become an eagle.  Maybe she is as superior as I am inferior, and vice versa in all the yin-yang ways imaginable.

(mandatory annual cat pic) Pearl, 1 year old


Concrete grey on raw-pine brown

Pearl they say with never a frown

Fixed jade gaze near-silent clown

Cecil unfazed, by new kit in town

|| a poem for the common cat ||

eventually the phenomenons your senses 
combine to assume it is experiencing 
catapult you toward choosing between
flotsam or jetsam—but before you do
smile at the opportunity this affords that
whom once assumed antagonists loved
to antagonize and wonder now about
how amazing—never another frustration 

actually exists in those who seize their
recalled memories and cease planning for 
every eventuality and realize how as if
this were but a daydream—time is figment

Agatha 'Aggie' 2002 - 2022

Her last exhaleafter twenty years of them—seemed the easiest one, for her

Assuaging her, until the last; I'm now in need of some of that assuaging, for me
My awareness of her absence echoes like a silent alarm from an unexpected vacancy just within earshot (and, paradoxically, known-about for years)
I'm curiously-glad the ground is frozen; postponing digging the grave is a whole huge, tiny grey blessing (for next year)

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