Form Bonding (or, Why does it Work?)

        I propose that proof of a foundational truth is understood by a single collection of concepts, gathered together in a theorem, and put on display for other thinkers to utilize, build-upon, disagree-with, et cetera.
        My brain consists of three separate entities.
        For the purpose of this explanation, 'entities' should be thought-of as an 'analogy for programming or software'; it is important to think of these three entities as analogy for computer programs, because these separate entities can not be laid out on an autopsy table (not physical reality) and there is no programmer (because I'm using the convenience of a metaphor; I could have, just-as-easily, used the analogy of three separate people).
        The three entities have different-but-similar programs.  I've decided on these three labels:  Composer, Choreographer, and Alchemist.  [{(Alchemist wants to be recognized as fundamentally different and chose not to be Chemist, as the two others wished - for aestheticism's sake)}]

        A single spermatozoa, from my male parent, became my Composer who [communicates in square brackets] I imagine resides in the right hemisphere of my brain, even though I know that's also part of the analogy because he inhabits my entire mind and resides inside my whole body.
        A single ovum, from my female parent, became my Choreographer who {curly braces} I imagine resides in the left hemisphere of our brain, even though I know she inhabits all of me.
        Alchemist is (conscience) the tie-breaker.  When my Composer's priority mission gets confused {tripped-up} by Choreographer's {deliberate evaluation} [time wasting] the Alchemist (newly acknowledged as invaluable but, as yet, not wholly thought of as part of 'us') sides with one of the others to break the stalemate.
        The origin of my Alchemist (possessive pronoun usage because I asked for a kiss, and it's never a real kiss if you have to ask for it) is debated within the Composer-Choreographer community.  Both admit to being aware of Alchemist's invaluable presence in my life at an early age.

        Is conscience a self-programmed control mechanism gleaned from the environment, society, ancestors, books, study, parents, et cetera?  Or are we all born with a conscience?  Is it the non-dual?
We don't know.  {[One of us knows but has difficulty explaining or proving.]} (Isn't this explanation, proof enough?)

        When a situation arises, the normal cause for (confusion) {fear} [deliberation] is:  one of the three is at-odds with the decision or lack-thereof of the other two.
        Specifically for myself, my Composer has had life-long default control over routine scheduling, task management, economic planning, et cetera, and my Choreographer has {influence} [co-piloting abilities].  My Alchemist (progress!) has always had strong influence (over the non-inebriated self) and has exerted that over-all [censure] {encouragement} in key water-shed moments.  
        I think with all three elements.  {That sentence should have been in brackets, don't you concur Alchemist?} 
        (Getting into the weeds is not my shtick.  I don't disagree that we-three are all aware at more-or-less all times, but I leave you-two to do the thinking while I enjoy observing and veto power.  Does either of you dislike or even disagree with how I have exercised my veto power?  And, in this case, silence will be received as concurrance.)
        As you can see, there is a hierarchy.  Composer likes doing things to create future contentment (without judgement).  Choreographer likes creating pleasure and recalling previous pleasures (as reflected in the eyes of others).  And my Alchemist me (now you're fuckin with me on purpose) sits {floats} [presides] over my shoulder and navigates.  {[(yea,  that's accurate.)]} 
        Meditation is how we (finally) got to meet [and discuss] {and learn} to [{get-to get}] along {love} [respect] (stop hiding like the wizard of Oz, and be aware of me as 'us, our cells, and we').
        {[(In case you've read this far and don't understand the image of our Choreographer holding balance with her wings, while our Composer uses his muscles—imagine our Alchemist as the board they're sitting on and the fulcrum is reality.)]}
        Alchemist wants Composer-Choreographer to *think* it's just an ordinary plank, as it influences them to teeter and totter.  Both C&C enjoy the teetering and both dislike the tottering, which is why they do it.  Alchemist enjoys the entire process and recognizes the need for both.
        {Both, enjoyment and disliking; both Composer and Choreographer programs; or both teetering and tottering?}
        [Or is it all three at once?  Us-two 'programs' and our-the emotions which we *think* that we *feel* as well as the balancing game we play with Alchemist's support?  I'll assume silence is agreement.]

no wrest for the ick-ed:



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