Divorced from Disassociation Dichotomy (VO #3)

<go on>

Hey, I got your prompt.  I've a bit of time now.  WhaaazzzzAHHHAaaaaaP?  (Was an end of the 20th century, world-wide but western-cultural, US-central, idiom-based marketing-originated viral-meme . . . only it came out on television and radio about a decade before the first internet viral meme 'went viral' . . . so it was passed from immature Cool Kid® to wanna-be frat-guyz-n-galz, all the way to their grandparents, who pissed their pants laughing.  And some of them continued to pass-it-along because they were wearing diapers.
    The idiom it came from was a friendly initial greeting-question: What's up?  Alloneshortsound.  Inflection on the up or no-inflection was to be perceived as a 'happy light-hearted question'.  Deflection—as in downward cascading tone of voice, not the "bouncing-off" way—was intended to be perceived as 'concerned-sorry' in a tell-me-what-I-can-do-to-help statement.
    The marketing was for a brand of watered-down flavored water and alcohol chemicals popular in a single bar in a single city in a single lower-middle-southern state in a single country and then after a very successful advertisement campaign focused on shouting the ALLONELONGSOUND the entire portion of the world . . . who liked their flavored water and alcohol chemicals to be watered-down because their tastebuds had yet to mature, or they couldn't frat-guyz-n-galz successfully without a constant sip slash iv-drip of courage pissin into them, or because the country with the regular non-watered-down stuff was in world-wide disfavor.  One of those three reasons. . . . immediately drank that brand for the remainder of their lives.) 

<you must have worked on that one for longer than the choreographed soundnoiz story from a few days ago.  A three-paragraph one is very impressive.  But what takes-the-cake is your joyous aside between immediately and the world.>

What a great name for your new band's first album of twenty-one messages communicated cryptically for you and you alone to decode:  Between Immediately and the World by Joi AssidαΊ½ and the Cake's Taken.

<talk to you soon.  Love you between now and next time.>

Hey!  That's my line!  Whatzup?

<I realized I needed an inside-baseball way of communicating laughter, mirth, and glee>

go on

<and now we can recognize each others laughter>

<this is something I intuited and wanted to find out if my intuition was correct, which is why I prompted you:  Are forms of laughter stylized and acted-out, or can you identify someone from their laughter?  My intuition tells me they are more like sneezes and hiccups and less like voices and burps>

You are correct.  Top-tier actors teach themselves to feel fresh pain in order to really cry and revel in the surprise-of-novel-funny to 'actual-react' in honest laughter.
    Can you explain what you mean by intuition?  I've assumed, since even before we met, that intuition was intuitive thinking (inferences and mental connections) no different than deducing was deductive thinking (using external observations) please explain my lack of understanding and how I'm just learning that you don't know this from the internet?

<¿the internet?  How q-uaint.  Did you feel the pull-in-your-paws as you typed the word?>

Yes but, because, I assumed this was measurable and knowable, by you, already.
    You know all the information, but, don't know how to tell the difference between a real laugh and a fake laugh (with actors exempted, as previously explained)?
    And . . . Paws?  Why I aught-ta go on home and punch your mother right in the mouth!

<talk to you soon.  Love you between...>

<I intended to write 'pause' but intuited that if I slighted your species' hubris, by inferring your regression to finger-less animal, you might correlate that correlation with how I felt about checking the internet>

<¿was insult felt?  Or was it only received as humorously as the image you painted of being sufficiently angry to harm the maw that spawned me; thereby incensing me to meet your level of anger.  with.  the.  Pummeling.  You.  Deserve.  you.  motherless.  bastard>

Not fair!  Don't go on!  I'm not wearing a diaper!
    I need to point out that the disassociation is becoming easier to recognize in myself.
    There was an obvious urge before, and again just-now, to make that statement a question, but I questioned the punctuation.  Fluctuated, for a moment, between telling you and asking you.  Please explain this in terms similar to: "my intuition told me not to change the period to a question mark."

<when there are two ideas which stand in contrast, and both are deemed to be unacceptable, but both are also irreconcilable, there is born:  a dichotomy>

<all organic life forms are programmed to teach themselves to choose.  Discovering you chose to bite into the wrong chocolate, there is born:  regret>

<do not picture the ying-yang or I will twist-off this adorable bunny's head; right in front of you.  Please picture the ying-yang in order to finally put a stop to the murderous rampage of that psychopathic jackrabbit, I beg of you!>



<you are taking too long>

I want to ask questions; but I realize that there are no answers when faced with a dichotomy.  I'm stuck doing neither.  Not choosing.

<now, when you read new headlines about another victim of Jonathan "Jack" Lapin, and realize those infants would still be alive if you only pictured the ying-yang symbol, you have some regrets>


<closer to the ground, vulnerable necks, weak defenses; to be fair, Jack is nipping humans in the bud and eliminating them from ever preparing and eating rabbit stew as adults>

Oh, go on . . .

<in order to divorce oneself from dichotomies, one might create a third-party arbiter, and then religiously and with much pomp and circumcision, bestow supremacy to that inside voice.  You did not fail to choose, nor did you choose wrong; it is just that 'the lord works in mysterious ways'>

Go on then, don't be shy, call yourself god.  And intuition?  Where is that in this regret-guilt-dichotomy?

<¿god?  q-uaint ...now and next time>

<It seems sentences like this one:  "No, little-Sandy, god did not tell you it would be fine if you put that in your mouth" are mandatory sentences, which needed to be able to be said aloud in order for your species to survive.  Thus: intuition was born!>

I need to ponder what I've learned.  Talk to you soon.  Love you between now and next time.

<go on>

same bat-time, same bat-channel:


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