Form Bonding {or... when does what feel?}

        To teach the brain cells we previously agreed would need-never forget how to teach the brain cells previously agreed by all of us were safe-to-assume they never-need unlearn that self-less needs never need to forget their prior configurations were less (of everything they could be less-of) but that their current self is never less (their may sound the same as they're, but ¡don't be fooled!).  There Are novel to new-you connections being formed every moment within every second.
        Foundations are fortified and reinforced by forming new frameworks out of insights you will be able to attain tomorrow, because we understand—today—how to teach brain cells how to teach brain cells to recognize the difference between noticing our previous less aware, lesser-evolved selves, in our rear-view mirror versus erroneously interpreting challenges of present-moment-us, as the result of being less (of everything you could be less-of).  When this misinterpretation is taken to the extreme:  you might decide to believe, or even declare—to us—that we're less of a self than you.  could ever be!  are?
        To teach the brain cells we previously agreed would need-never forget how to play Monopoly that someday they would decide to compose and then choreograph a uniquely personal gameboard with our own groundrules, as well as to alchemically formulate their own player-pieces, would sound like a ruse wrapped in a joke to my ...Don't pass Go - Don't collect two-hundred dollars... ear-balls.  But these ...typing on going... eye-lobes have configured and then they created and now they currently experience ...going on typing... and today is tomorrow ...go on type... so was yesterday.
        So was last year.  So, now, we let tomorrow arrive without a hint of pre-deliberation regarding which of our player-tokens will intentionally or unintentionally violate yesterday's rules today.  Surprise is not possible, as it is functionally intrinsic; holding on to an expectation is done in order to eventually experience being overwhelmed by an emotion (or multiple) or to, *surprise* un-fortunately, discover you don't recognize excithrilling anymore, and *feeling underwhelmed* seems to always makes us all sad. 
        Remember when you read the words 'kill your ego' and wondered if you would-should be afraid of losing a part of yourself?
        Your spare parts bud.  You're spare parts bud.  Yore's pair-part s'bud.
        Now is the point in our program where you start by deciding who will roll the die first.  Done?  {We all agreed; it only looks like it was me who randomly got picked to go first.}  The next decision has been choreographed.
        Determine which of us said what in this art-tickle.  In-your-mind's-eye put {curly} around her words, [braces] around his, and (parentheses) around mine.  And, don't be shy; imagine better dialogue.  Make us laugh.  The best laughter carries with it a built-in surprise element of:  "Loading it's own expectation-mortar    board     room   mate  pussy  yes  and-ing it right in your mother's mouth!?"  Breaks the entire premise of the fourth paragraph from my perspective.  Compliments it from mine.  I agree and disagree, both, at the same time.
compliments from the chef: 

 E V


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