twenty-one squared equals two-hundred fourty-one (21² = 241)

241 songs in total; 21 rows, each containing: 21 songs.
21 songs is the required length of Go On composite art
[say: co-imposi-Tar; if asked to spell:  Composit-Γ¦-rt].

Possessors of the 21 curated "mix-tape" recordings, in-
fact, are able to generate 23 additional Go On artworks
[21 top-to-bottom columns & 2 bonus diagonals] = 44!
Buckled in?   Imagine these 21-song-loops in a sphere.
A diagonal slides up from the center and the final song
becomes the last song from the bottom Go On artwork.
An algorithmic program would make it possible to add
at least 54 more story lines for Orchestral-Compositors
(and this isn't even reversing or reading bottom-to-top)!


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