Umm, eh, what's that?
I've learned about a superpower that I might have; it takes about thirteen years for results, so I'm currently testing to determine if I can strengthen its severity and reduce its lag-time.
Oh, wow, Ok. Explain, please. And. ahh, just hit the highlights. I don't have room for tangents or deep explanations in my head anymore today.
Twitter became the "first big thing" to reduce communication quality. Thirteen years ago, I created this artwork, titled: Kill Twitter, Kill It Dead after recognizing it was harming more than just the previously addled. Those who once possessed humor and contemplative insights were slowly (but not imperceptibly) communicating as if they were all self-lobotomized stoners.
Impaired awareness had caused as well as cauterized their brain damage. Consequently, they continued to blindly self-harm. For hours. Everyday.
As one of only a few audience-members who recalls admiring their expertise—as skilled aerialists and trapeze artists, net-lessly soaring thru the highest circus tent peaks—I felt dismayed to recognize them intentionally stumbling around the center ring, as they cheerfully climbed into and out of tiny clown cars with a growing crowd of others.
After thirteen years, Twitter was beheaded and arrow-shot thru the spine. While it does still exist as a "formerly known as" entity, its existence possesses a musky MySpace flavor.
Right, soo, yea, your superpower was to predict or to cause this with a cartoonish sketch?
And now, to determine my efficacy:
Kill the GOP, Kill it Dead |
If you are reading this after 2035, and the GOP is still a viable US political party, then my superpower failed (or did not exist).