Minimum blogger standards revisited

I wrote a post in May explaining my winnowing three blogs from the applaudable ranks. Others, who will also be missed, now join them. Writing less than twice a month was the issue in my May post; now here are a few other reasons to lose my applause.

Uninteresting writing: Some bloggers become enmeshed in describing daily details or environment up toand beyondthe point where their writing is as interesting as watching my Hayward AquaPilot suck dead bugs (which is actually interesting for about 23.57 seconds).

Self-promotion: Overly narcissistic blogs have a friends and family niche; unless I'm related to the ugly-in-every-picture I prefer not to see your digital storeroom. Along the same artery, those who seem to have a need to throw their shoulder out of joint with self-aggrandizement: less is more, even when it comes to masturbatory-back-patting.

Jerry's kids: Some blog-reads are very much a romp in Springerland. Although I'm oddly interested when I stumble across the show and may even watch for a few minutes (mesmerized by toothless, mouth-breathers) I don't program the show on TeVo.

By request: Asking to be removed from applaudable status to avoid being listed here if one's writing (or my opinion of it) flagged in the future, seemedat first glanceabnegation bordering on fatalism. But I suspect it's far more confusing and falls somewhere between 'shouldn't pander approval' and 'control-curtail stressors'. So, although I still applaud their writing, I bow to their wishes.

To these bloggers, I wave a hypertextural goodbye (even though some may have been gone long, long, ago)...

After slip-skipping thru the atmo-blog, I complied an informal census, which indicates all blogs fit into these cubbies:

  • 20% - written in a language I could not read (unfortunately)
  • 18% - focused on political or religious subject matter (with proselytizeable foaming and rants)
  • 14% - advertisement or word-cache for another site
  • 12% - yet to be determined, as the blog was too new
  • 11% - caught my attention and held it (and were appended to my clap-pending list)
  • 9% - fan site (sports, pr0n, celebs)
  • 7% - juvenile (creative over-attempts)
  • 5% - digital album niche (friends and family oriented)
  • 4% - simply dislikable (for various reasons)

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