The world is (depending on where you are located in the northern hemisphere this summer of 2022): either actually on fire, literally flooded under water, almost completely without drinking water, or an amalgam of so-too-incredibly hot and humid that only a complete and utter fool would deny Climate Change is real. Oh, and hurricane season is imminent and (of course) expected to be especially damaging.
I still cringe when I hear someone cough in a phlegmy and uncovered way—no matter that I've received a second C-19 booster. And don't dismiss Monkey Pox as only affecting a specific minority of the population; it is spreading quickly through any saliva-on-skin-contact. Masks are back on.
Abortions are no longer a federally protected freedom for about half of the US population. It is possible that the federal protections afforded same sex marriages will, also, soon disappear.
And there is one thing EVERYONE can do about all of this: Vote.
For. Anyone. Who. Is. Not. A. Republican. (It will not make much difference in your lifetime—however—the 115℉ (45℃) temperatures this decade are going to become 130℉ (55℃) in the 2050's, and your grand-kids are not going to like that grandpa and grandma kept voting Republican because they wanted to pay less taxes and they did not care about anybody but themselves.)