Showing posts with label comic strip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic strip. Show all posts

lex parsimoniae

          Abstract of Magnetic alignment in grazing and resting cattle and deer found here.  Full paper found here.  These "scientists" forgot about wolves and, obviously, Occam's razor.    

Other posts on fuzzy, pseudo, or bad science:

Santa and Easter Bunny

Everybody was a baby once, Arthur.   Oh, sure—maybe not today or even yesterday—but once.   Babies, chum:  tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope.   And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby or evil will make an interception. — The Tick

NaivetΓ© Scene

You're an idealist, and I pity you as I would the village idiot. — Stanley Kubrick

Anatomical Doll - strip

With a snide but oh so smarmy wink and nod to Davecat at Shouting to Hear the Echoes I present my first single-cell comic: The only things one can admire at length, are those one admires without knowing why. — Eleanor Roosevelt (first lady - twelve years; delegate to the UN - nine years)

Stegasaur to Sauropod - strip

In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are—in almost every case—gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not, themselves, examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.Autobiography of Mark Twain, by Samuel Clemens

ESP Explained

Stuffed stuff from Mahar Drygoods. Idea poached from Owl Farm Blog (by Anita Thompson, Hunter S.'s widow).

Every generalization is dangerous, especially this one. — Mark Twain

Zeal 4 Real - strip

Stuffed stuff from giant microbes, the rest comes from me.

Zeal and sincerity can carry a new religion further than any other missionary except fire and sword. - Mark Twain, Christian Science, 1903-1907

Black and White Stuffed Convention

That's the way with a cat, you know—any cat; they don't give a damn for discipline. And they can't help it, they're made so. But it ain't really insubordination, when you come to look at it right and fair—it's a word that don't apply to a cat. A cat ain't ever anybody's slave or serf or servant, and can't be—it ain't in him to be. And so, he don't have to obey anybody. He is the only creature...that don't have to obey somebody or other...It sets him above the whole ruck, it puts him in a class by himself. He is independent. — Mark Twain, "The Refuge of the Derelicts"

cat humor

This is my kind of twisted humor. See more at a softer world.


In homage to the wonderful art found at Fluffmuppet takes on NYC I decided to try my hand at MSpaint-based renderings: