A Flatter Curve Means...

  • People not wearing a mask or social distancing (until 2021 or 2022) are more-than-probably narcissists, sociopaths, or fools.
  • In the narcissistic sociopath's mind, everyone else is either insignificant or unimportant; their dysfunction causes them to only focus on their own convenience and comfort.  It's uncomfortable to breathe your own exhale.  It's inconvenient to maintain awareness in order to keep your distance.
  • Psychopaths try to blend in, so they'll not be as easy to spot.
  • Governments have begun to loosen restrictions because their hospitals are below capacity.
  • Fools take this to mean: "it's all clear, we can go about our normal lives."
  • Narcissistic sociopaths never wore masks or kept a distance.  They are just glad to be able to blend in with the fools now.
  • Doctors and historians say this will not go away until at least 80% of the entire population contracts it (if antibodies prevent re-infection, which is still unproven).
  • I had it and don't want it again.  I (and scientists) don't know if I'm still contagious.  I still wear a mask and keep a distance because empathy causes me to not prioritize my comfort and convenience over other people's life. 

continue covid19 creations:

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