Three Monks Addendum

          First and most importantly, read the Allegory of the Three Monks to understand this five panel cartoon strip.
          This is a test.  You are the only person who will ever grade your test results.  It is always pass-fail.  If you have not already read The Three Monks (by scrolling down six essays to the 27 Oct 22 article) and you decide, at this point, to continue to read the below five panel comic strip: you have chosen to fail the first Go On test.  That is only OK if you think it is acceptable because you are the only person who will ever judge your self.  

         There is a specific comfort/discomfort abstract concept emotional impulse (which is felt as a feeling behind your eyebrows) that carries the label self-satisfaction.  You feel it only if you did choose to stop, read the parable, and now have decided to pass the first Go On test.  Allow me to repeat myself, at the risk of being crude, there must be fifty ways to leave ... (slip out the back, Jack; make a new plan Stan...).

keep pulling threads:


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