Our ships—previously moored together—got severed on Jan 6th

           My conservative readers, neighbors, associates, friends and family members, 


          In the past, amicable respect for individual differences has been our standard operating procedure.  Like most, we successfully maintained our relationship(s) by avoiding a few controversial topics of conversation.  In my experience, this mutual behavior was a courtesy each of us bestowed on the other.

          "Deep" conversations can be risky.  Fragile egos can get seriously bruised when long-held opinions are examined using critical thinking skills.  And, unfortunately, some of us store wishes and beliefs in boxes labeled 'facts'.  So, as to avoid "getting in over our heads" or receiving bruised egos or having to sort thru facts, it's been simpler to keep conversations focused on our shared interests.

          You and I may have ended many previous political debates with a cordial "we'll have to agree to disagree."  That behavior will remain forever on the other side of the watershed of 6 Jan 2021.  I can never again, in good conscience, politely agree to disagree with your political views because people you agree with, voted for, and support committed seditious, violent acts of insurrection in-and-around the US Capitol on Jan 6th.

          Question time:  What term would you use to describe the citizens of a foreign country—after a few thousand of that countries citizens attacked our country and a few hundred killed, injured, vandalized, and attempted to kidnap Americans?  Would you refer to them as enemy sympathizers?  Accessories before and after the fact?

          Your fellow conservative Republicans attempted a coup d'état.  As of the date of this open letter, their attempts were not successful.  From my perspective, your silence on this matter looks exactly the same as what complicity looks like.

          Are you familiar with the term 'Good German'?  It was coined to describe the millions of German citizens who didn't join the Nazi Party, kept their mouths shut, and went about their lives in a business-as-usual manner while the Nazis took over their country and murdered millions of their fellow countrymen.  Is 'Good Republican' what you're striving for?

          In 1865, no union soldier would have "agreed to disagree" when discussing Lincoln's assassination with a confederate soldier.  Nobody alive today, with a functioning moral compass, would "agree to disagree" if debating the 2001, Sep 11th attacks with a member of Al-Qaeda.  (You're the confederate and Al-Qaeda in these metaphors.)  

              I can not help but see the mooring rope that once held our friendship together has been cut with a sharp instrument.

    • The edge of that blade is comprised of hundreds of violent insurrectionists who attempted to overthrow the US Government.  Enemies of the state who are neighbors are my enemies.
    • Immediately behind that edge are the thousands of active supporters who cheered-on the insurrection (carrying a myriad of different flags, banners, patches, and slogans) followed Trump's guidance, marched to the US Capitol, but stopped short of committing crimes.
    • Behind them, are millions of quasi-silent Trump-supporting republicans who are sad the insurrection failed and would have been pleased if it were successful.
    • The handle of that blade is supported by millions of 'Good Republicans' acting like toady's, joking, and commiserating with their equally-complicit fellow republicans.
    • That entire weapon is in the hand of over 70 million conservatives who voted for Trump, donated money to him, and who (so far) lack the requisite moral courage to admit they made many errors in judgement, (have yet to) distance themselves from the growing stain-of-association and (are reluctant to) take any positive action to rectify their complicity.

              Everyone who's met meor who's read a few of my essaysknows what I think about hypocrites and hypocritical behavior.  If you ever claimed to "support the rule of law" and you now diminish, attempt to rationalize, qualify, act as an insurrection-apologist, or make any excuse for all the events surrounding Jan 6th, you're the absolute worst hypocrite it is possible to be. 


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