Winter Wintalf-a-bet

          Living in the northern states, and enjoying the winter, takes a certain mindset.  While I do not live north of the US-Canada border, every sentiment and insight succinctly spewed (in the above Letterkenny three-minute video clip) isn't spurious and should satisfy.  Seriously.

          While 2021 has my spouse currently watching every season, Ion the other mittenhave caught a few clips and greatly appreciate its/it's amazing writing, but find some element of my brain's wiring prevents me from feeling almost all of the funny.

          I don't think my sense of humor is governed by my Asperger's, but maybe some element of qualifying membership in nefnd holds my humor sensing device hostage behind my continual attempt to concentrate on catching every quip as they blur past my slow-on-the-uptake grey matter.  This is not new to me.  My comedic radar has been on a three-to-five second delay my entire life.  I rarely am the first to get the joke and I'm absolutely never able to be quick-sarcastic or in lock-step with your double-entendres.

          If the above clip happens to tickle your funny bone in a manner you find satisfyingthen, allow this to be my "you're welcome"there are 61 episodes available for you to binge (as of Dec 2020) on hulu.

          'Don't have hulu,' you say?  We're stream-cherry-pickers.  We have (or have had) almost all of them.  BUT.  We pause, unsubscribe, and cancel them all on a rotating basis.  I cancel Amazon Prime for months at a time and then re-subscribe.  I cancel hulu every three months (3 months off / 1 month on).  You get the picture.  As soon as we spend too much time searching?  Cancel.  Paused.  Unsubscribed.  And then Uncancel/unpause/subscribe to a different "channel".   I find this saves us about a c-note/benfranky/hunnabukz a month.  Again, you are most welcome.


No eye contact Asperger's

ABCD films to binge watch

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