Wonderfully Obscure Song by Reunion

          Occasionally a 'one-hit wonder' becomes a 'classic'.  This one never did.  I loved this song so much in 1974 that I tried to write it all down and memorize the lyrics—just from repeat radio listening's.  Today, a plethora (today's word boys and girls!) of lists are a click away:  "Lost One Hit Wonders;" "Classic Golden Oldies;" or "Deep Album Tracks" and this song is almost certainly not on any of them.

          Thirteen years later, R.E.M. released It's the End of the World As We Know It (it's time I had some time alone) and the rambling poetic stream of prose, names, situations, and its long staccato-list of ways the world has changed (e.g: ... team reporters baffled, Trumped, tethered, cropped ...) reminded me of Reunion's Life is a Rock (But the Radio Rolled Me) and my Asperger's re-reminded me to ask those people in my vicinity if they ever remembered it.  And I've occasionally asked more and more people ever since then.

          Not one person has ever replied 'yes'.

          I can't be the last person to remember this song with a smile!  (Can I?)

INSTANT INFANT 🚼 The Perfect Baby

✓ All the fun, practically none of the poop
✓ Virtually unlimited attention span!
✓ Cute as a frigging button
✓ Matches most decors!
✓ Quickly measure your partner's wavelength

          Like the idea of determining your long-term compatibility with that special someone, but don't want to spoil the prom by bringing up topics which might result in too much honesty too soon?  Then take them to an antique store (there's a left turn you didn't see coming)!
          Although it doesn't have to be an antique store; it can be anything you enjoy, which you can do together, with them, at the same time.  I suggest antiquing because I've always liked the feelings I experience while perusing a well-curated antique mall's smells (musk of library-garage-attic), sounds (mid-century album rock) and the 'new' memories that creep back front-and-center.  This is step one.

          You've invited them to accompany you to do something you enjoy and they've agreed (if they also like doing this with you, maybe this could become a you-guy's thing).  This might also let you know if they're on your wavelength; because if they don't like doing this simple thing that requires no additional skills (which is why you didn't invite them to poker night or scrapbook-club or horseback riding) maybe they are not that specific flavor of unusual you are searching for.  This is step two.

          You find a never-seen-by-you-before, life-sized, cardboard cut-out, of a crawling infant in a diaper, for sale.  You begin to read the marketing points and snort-giggle so forcefully that a significant quantity of snot leaves your nostril and lands on your shirt.  You wipe it off but it's still kinda noticeable.  This is step three.

          What are their reactions?  Do they share your sense of humor?  Are they cringing at the idea that you're willing to pay twenty dollars for this odd-harmless item (which is obviously going to be displayed in your home in the near future)?  Are they at all embarrassed by the booger stain?

          Step four is simple.  Find someone who already thinks the way you think, and already sees the world similarly to the way you do.  Not someone who seems willing to adapt or says they'll, "try to see things your way".  And definitely not someone who only prefers your company when you're doing things they like to do.


Whelmed — Memories (and why Over- and Under- are remembered)

What is the cement of memory?

Does what we remember form who we are?

Why do we forget 99% of our lives?

          As I typed this opening paragraph in 2019, my brain was switching between thoughts about choosing interesting words that would entertain itself as it compiled this sentence and—switch—scrounged thru my memory-attic for events which might fit in a bright mauve container labelled ‘overwhelming’.   My as-I-typed brain then decided that the first event to go in was

          Witnessing—for almost two full minutes—the 2017 total eclipse of the sun.  I had prepared for that event for months.  I'd bought expensive wrap-around viewing glasses and a phone-app to track where the shadow was going to be.  Weeks earlier, I'd driven a few hundred miles to reconnoiter and read articles describing what to look for when it happened.  The day of, I had woke at 4am for a 5am departure in order to set-up three hours ahead of time and as the moon began to creep across the sun, I recalled aloud (for the handful of people with me) memories of a few previous partial eclipses and I used the term underwhelming to describe those curled and faded snapshots.—switch—Those vague recollections of pinholes in paper and flimsy cardboard glasses were now attached—like a deflated balloon static-stuck to the back of a worn-out child’s sweater—to this 2017 overwhelming event.  (I typed ‘overshadowing event’ and edited it so as to not end this paragraph on a pun.)—switch

          The moment when the entire moon’s shadow—the umbra—completely covered the sun:  the blue sky turned black; the yellow corona around the sun became white; stars became visible; the air temperature dropped; the silence of no-more bird and insect noises grabbed for my attention; spots of corona-sunlight, inside of darker shadows, took-on the changing shape (circular to crescent) of the umbra; and ripples of light wavered across the ground like faint “light snakes.”   My senses were overloaded.  My brain could not catch up.   There was no time to think or focus.

          —switch—It seems that my as-I-type brain considers it to be desirable when it-itself is unable to function as it normally functions (which, it considers to be its norm; its steady-state; its comfortable, uneventful, default mode; its regular state of being, which is neither over- nor under-whelmed) and this asItype brain is not putting anything into its memory.  Short-term memory disappears unless something over- or under-whelms enough to get stored long-term.

          I know if I were not currently documenting my thoughts—an act which facilitates asItype to be able, in the future, to become asIread (which, in turn, will become the me that has re-remembered based on what that previous-me wrote)—I would, very soon, no longer be able to recall how I occupied myself this 2019 mid-November Friday morning.  If I'd instead been studying, reading, hiking, gaming, painting, listening to music, watching videos, talking with friends, playing with my cat, or performing routine chores, I would (probably) not be able to answer the question, “What did you do?”  Because of these words, these paragraphs, this essay (about normally neither being over- or under-whelmed) I can say I was writing an essay about memory.

          Now, asItype wonders why are our recollections valued?  Is being able to recall something because it was sufficiently overwhelming/underwhelming to become immediately-permanently locked in long-term memory a prerequisite to being consciously aware of what is important to who we are and who we want to be?  And—switch—let me dig for a stronger, more recent, memory to stick in the intense yellow underwhelming container (next to those partial eclipses).

          Earlier in 2019, I drove through Glacier National Park.  I would not use the word boring to describe the slow procession up and over—but I would not use the word exciting either.  Rivulets of snow melt soaked me a few times (cabriolet top was down) and some of the hairpin turns with sheer drops revealed very interesting views; but a complete lack of wildlife and over 90 minutes of traffic-jams combined to make the 50-mile drive an unsatisfactory experience.—switch

          Why?—my asItype-self asks itself.  What made this 2019 drive memorably underwhelming?

          One answer is that my preconceived expectations were unmet; during my first visit to Glacier National Park (in 2006) the Going-To-The-Sun Road was closed because of snow (which created—in that 2006-me’s brain—an unfulfilled desire).  On that trip, I felt privileged-lucky to see (and was slightly overwhelmed seeing):  bald eagle, elk, black bears and grizzly bears, and experienced no vehicle traffic or full parking lots. 
more mind & memory essays:

          Fear = Survival Mechanism

          I am a god-fearing–fearing¹ person.  This multi-hyphenated word concisely captures my true feelings about the uncountable mass of tera–terra-idiots.  ‘Tera,’ as in: the uncountable quantity of every dead, living, and yet-to-be-conceived bag of H20 and minerals who once crabbed, is crabbing, or will someday crab about on this planet; and ‘terra-idiots’ are those who once claimed/now claim/or will claim to believe in an invisible omniscient-omnipresent-omnipotent entity who created, controls, or will destroy, this ball of H20 and minerals currently crawling through space at 134K mph² (relative to the space of our universe) 486K mph (relative to the Milky Way Galaxy) and 67K mph (relative to Sol).

           I believe that those who claim to believe in an invisible-magic-sky-entity have questionable rationality and live a self-deceit-packed life filled with hypocrisy and bigotry³.   I point out that, ‘they claim to believe’ because within the uncountable tera–terra-idiot mass, there are many uncountable giga–terra-fools who (once/are/will) claim to believe in a vengeful/loving-being-who-patiently-listens-to-their-every-murmur solely because of societal, familial, political, or cultural pressures....but they never actually believe (they just don’t want to be excommunicated, stoned, banished, disowned, disinherited, shunned, or ostracized).

          All belief-systems preach that their followers are clever, altruistic, kind, generous, honest, and noble people.  And they all preach to their followers that the other belief-systems are filled with foolish, self-centered, stingy, deceptive and corrupt people.  Every religion and church teaches hatred and distrust of others.  Even the most open minded and ‘liberal’ religions sell themselves to their parishioners by pointing out the less open minded qualities of other religions.

          Being afraid of people who claim to have faith in things that do not exist is merely a good defense mechanism—like being afraid of the insane.  The actions of god-fearing and insane people are equally unpredictable, unfettered by common sense, and not grounded in reality.

  ¹Thanks Davecat.
  ²I apologize for using mph; but miles are relative to my reality.  The kilometer-majority need to multiply by 1.61. 
  ³The god-fearing who actually read this, and take umbrage, need to treat themselves to a hot steaming cup of I don't give a fuck what you say.  Leave.  Big people are talking.

During many ages there were witches.  The Bible said so.  The Bible commanded that they should not be allowed to live.  Therefore the Church—after eight hundred years—gathered up its halters, thumb-screws, and firebrands, and set about its holy work in earnest.  She worked hard at it night and day during nine centuries and imprisoned, tortured, hanged, and burned whole hordes and armies of witches, and washed the Christian world clean with their foul blood.  Then it was discovered that there was no such thing as witches, and never had been.  One does not know whether to laugh or to cry.....There are no witches.  The witch text remains; only the practice has changed.  Hell fire is gone, but the text remains.  Infant damnation is gone, but the text remains.  More than two hundred death penalties are gone from the law books, but the texts that authorized them remain. — Mark Twain, "Bible Teaching and Religious Practice," Europe and Elsewhere (1923)

Original article written 2009 (re-posted during 2021's creative sabbatical)


Issac Asimov

Gravity (GIF)

Texas as Iraq


Gee-Eye-Eff ⦇3 sec × 105 hex⦈ × ⦇∞ ÷ 3¼ min ⦈ ≈ ∞


Pareidolia (say: pair-eye-Dole-ee-ah)
          About twelve months after our first symptoms of covid disappeared, we received our first of two Mrna inoculations—which should prevent serious illness from any infections we might get in the next six months or more.  Last month we received our second dose; two weeks later we spent a week on vacation and also began a new Eglaf endeavor. 
          I expect fewer blog posts this summer and fall during our sabbatical.  We've already become aware how to mentally improve (emotionally and philosophically).  The big question is will there be a future artwork to show for all the expansive grey matter work?  We do not know if there will be anything tangible to show for our efforts after all the outlining, scheming, and editing.  The act of improving me is the ultimate goal; creating a visible product for others to read, see, hate, or enjoy, is merely a nice trinket from my mental gift shop.

related viewing/reading:

A Comparitive View on the Varied Hue of Southern vs Northern Racism

          When an average guy (someone with a Y chromosome) possessing a vanilla tapioca mayo on wonder bread lack-of-cultural-heritage, decides to open his mouth and express an opinion about something he read about, or learned from others, or maybe witnessed—but which he could never have experienced (and will never live-thru)—because he was never a woman, or obese, or transsexual, or suffered from depression, nor was he ever homeless, or Black, or Native American, or in constant fear of being a victim of state violence (etcetra) . . . I want to tell that fucker to keep his opinion to himself.  And when that fucker is me, I tend to follow my own advice.  Not always.

          Statistics about racial populations and political tendencies are (in this white guy's mind) insufficient to explain why I'd never-again live in Alabama or Georgia or Kentucky or Indiana, nor why I am (relative-to-my-own-past) content living in Vermont.
          In the US South, the entire society which comprises The System (controlled by white people) is waaay beyond casually racist.  If you, dear reader, happen to be Mr or Mrs Mayo Wonderbread who lives in the South and thinks ‘beyond casually racist’ is not an accurate description of you?  Re-read my statement before you take umbrage.  The system is.  Not all people are.   (You might-could-just be casually racist and not waaay beyond).
          Racism is so routine-normal in the South that white strangers assume everyone who looks like they do, thinks like they do, and they'll freely talk about their KKK opinions.  The reason Trump was (and still is) so popular with white conservatives (from every state) is not because he accomplished things they wanted the President to accomplish, or that he fooled them (I met some intelligent people in the six years I lived in the US South), the reason is:  he's as extremely, hatefully, intentionally racist as they are.

           Vermont is more Caucasian than Oregon, but the few racists in Vermont who I've talked to are careful in their probing conversations.  They know they're a small minority of the population here and they don't like getting scolded or ridiculed for letting an errant word slip out of their mouth. 

           The week we moved here, I met a neighbor from the next building.  He'd seen our license tags and said, “Where in Oregon are you from?”  I told him and he replied, “I heard Portland was a really liberal city, but I guess that's something that can be beat outta somebody.”  “Sounds like a threat,” I said.  He got all apologetic-giggly and denied it with, “just jokin, not my intention, sorry sorry.”

           In Georgia that guy never would have backed down.  He would have known 90 strangers out of a 100 (including most cops) would back him up in an argument, or a fight, or maybe even in a late-nite follow-up lynching.  In Georgia, that probing conversation would have quickly switched to fighting-words.  And I would have been the one backing down when he took out a weapon.

           Here in Vermont, the hate-filled Republicans might risk getting recorded on your security camera sneaking into your yard to take your Black Lives Matter sign, or your We Stand With: sign, or your rainbow pride flag but they don't call attention to themselves.  Everyone here knows that 60% of the state is progressive (Bernie lovers) and 25% are a strange type of Northern Libertarian (love their weed, hate VT's high taxes, rarely leave New England). 

           The best way to describe Vermont is to say that the entire society which comprises The System doesn't tolerate people who are unwelcoming of people with differences. 
similar opinions:

Philosophical Belief Quiz

     This Philosophical Belief Quiz, designed by a Philosopher and a Psychologist, is intended to help you evaluate your thoughts related to a few different philosophical areas, identify any alignment with other people who've taken this quiz (both philosophers and participants) and (possibly) assist in identifying any correlation-causation between your thoughts and some of your individual psychological traits or beliefs.

more quizzes:

Cactus - new EP available from El Diablitos

          Lyrics written/performed by Pamela Flores (my wonderful wife); music written, produced, and guitars performed by Tony Guerrero.  All profits from this EP to be donated to the Portland Children's Hospital.
more El Diablitos:

      Cops Against Humanity (Portland Protest Edition)


just wondering to myself:
would I be a participant if
I still lived in Portland OR
still worked enforcing laws
if CS was in the wind and I

herd the crowd in the street
yes I would hope to be part
of the ‘change from within’

vicariously wondering that
as I watch (and judge) you
do Cops Against Humanity

because of you I no longer

will say: I’m a retired cop
while sitting in the comfort
just wondering to myself:


eight image excerpts by Portland artist Austin Granger at austingranger.com


⩴ The Reason to Make Goals ⩴ We Become What We Think About ⩴

 Earl Nightingale, 1956
 "The progressive realization of a worthy ideal"
more good advice:

Tire Rule of Thumb (for travelling to Vermont)


all-weather after
Mother's Day always snow-tires
before Halloween
more Vermontisms:

CIA Page 25

          The "there-must-be-a-conspiracy-because-Fox-Mulder-would-think-so" surrounding the "missing" page 25, from the declassified 70s-80s era CIA Analysis of the Gateway Project (astral projection/remote viewing) was resolved.  The complete report, including page 25, was in the files of the Monroe Institute and now you can read it on VICE

CIA Page 25






deeper deconstructions:

detritus and cat

rule of threes

Magnifico's Safer-Brand Tomato


  Composite artwork comprised of portions of:
three images by Balisee; one image by Paul Kelly;
and one image from the Gateway Project Report.


GREENWEED's Mailbox - 20 Apr (04/20 Cannabis Day)

Mailbox artwork - ALL
Santa Claus' Mailbox - 25 Dec (Christmas)
AULDLANGSYNE's Mailbox - 1 Jan (New Year's Day)
Sommerzeit's Mailbox - 2nd Sunday in Mar (Daylight Savings Time / 'Summertime' in Germany)
ÔSTARA's Mailbox - 19-22 Mar (Vernal Equinox / first day of Spring - northern hemisphere)
Avril Poisson's Mailbox - 1 Apr (April Fools Day / April Fish in France)
St. George's Mailbox - 23 Apr (Feast of St George)
May IV's Mailbox - 4 May (Star Wars Day)
Serling's Mailbox - 11 May (Twilight Zone Day)
Orangemen's Mailbox - 12 Jul (Orangemen's Day / 'The Glorious Twelfth')

Patience Fortitude and Resignation

          This is about multiple metaphors, containing metaphorical words, images, and a fictional story so rife with metaphor that it deserves a meta-metaphoric Consumer Warning: Meta-Fives Ahead.

         . . . “Simon says, ‘Mother may I’.

          What an odd statement to make, Pat.  I want to be bemused, but Im too concerned at your encroachment on carelessness.  Think your words before speaking them!  Spoken words can never be taken back.  Language is too important a tool to play with.

          It was clearly not a question.  Not sure why you feel the need to berate her, Tudy.  And cutting at me with your eyes does nothing but further encourage me to point out that you know she hates that nickname.  Call her Patience, or Patty, or even Tense.  When you use that androgynous term youre intending harm.  Calling her femininity into question.  Besides, she was only playing with you.  Yes, with language, too—but mostly just with you.

          The goddess of spring who was of three minds, of a single universal nature, everywhere at this moment in the northern hemisphere and in flux outside every window (as well as remembered to have cyclically existed before windows and even before human consciousness) was especially enjoying this—this conversation with herself.
          Ôstara was potential.  She was chaos.  She was the entirety of the environment.  She loved the certainty.  The inevitability.  The birth.  The growth.  She loved every moment of her existence.  And even looked forward to her solstice-respite.  But she cherished her one supreme power the most—which the triple-goddess always tried to use very, very, sparingly:  the power to call anything into question.  Because when Ôstara called something into question, the ripple effect was world-wide.  Monumental.
          Youre already in concession-mode, Rez.  Accepting that she wasn’t actually flippant (or careless) because it was just play-talk and not a real query.  Im not entertained.  By either of you.  She is too cavalier and you are too laissez-faire.

          Constantly the guard-dog, Fortitudenever a smile that makes it all the way to the eyes, forever the guile that takes shit everyday to the flies.
          Wow, you must have kept that chestnut in cold-storage for centuries!  I certainly didnt miss it.  But.  I also cant say I understand what you mean by it.  Never did.

          Patience understands it.  Completely.  I suspect.
          A corollary of negatives.  The guile that takes shit to the flies’ would be a desire to deceive strong enough to overpower the aversion to handle fecal matter.  A ‘smile that makes it to the eyes is a sign of sincerity.  Rezs-sayin youre just doin what ya always do.  Pretendin concern, practicin deception, makin yourself feel good by tearin us down.
          Ouch-ahh.  You will always be unable to fool yourself, Forty.  And you are me and we are all together.
          I am the eggman.
          I am the walrus.
          You both think yourselves sooo funny.  Weary and nearly senile to the left of me, naïvely inexperienced to the right, here I am: stuck in the middle with you.
          It is the appropriate point in this era for another shake-up or even another mass die-off, I think.  Suggestions or criticisms are welcome.  Not questions.
          Last year we began a significant Homo Sapien culling and it is still blooming.  I would like to wait and see where that domino falls before we start another.  Unless we are open to re-visiting the nefarious...
           No.  We are not interested in re-visiting your pet peeve.  But a double whammy IS in order.  While humans, full of hubris, struggle to protect their weakest and most ignorant, I want to remind them of our power.
          Im good with whatever.  But.  Unless I get-ta frame th next question . . . I veto.  AND.  Before you get all indignant, understand this: Im prepared to 1816 us.  Fair warning!  Dont call me out on this.  Dont cajole.  Don't even passively criticize.  If you do, Ill cancel us and see you guys on the southern hemisphere's next equinox.  Statement.  Of.  Fact. 
          Two hundred and five years ago, in 1816, Ôstara called her own existence into question.  Consequently, she never arrived in the northern hemisphere in March of that year and, subsequently, she was not present to abdicate her throne in June.  Summer never arrived.  Winter retained its presence for over a year.
in some way related: