This group of sentences:
Evelyn is called Eve or Evie by everyone. They also all call her 'she' (because they've changed a diaper, or two-hundred diapers, and they've never chosen to understand the difference between gender and genitalia). Evelyn can not wait to grow up. When asked, 'what're you gonna be when you're a big girl, Eve?' Evelyn always replies: "Smart enough to know better!" Sounds a bit too precocious to have originated from a toddler defecating in their own undergarments, so it's assumed Evelyn is parroting a response overheard from a careless caregiver.
Could be a paragraph if it were part of a larger story-framework. Could be a complete story. Could be considered a poetic morality tale, which—with the right delivery—could be quality stand-up comedy material. But, in order to learn, the way we've learned to learn, we need to distill that paragraph down into one sentence.
Evelyn already recognizes possession of intellect and its lack.
Now the next group of sentences:
Val never answers anyone who asks, 'Is that short for Valerie or Valentin?' They always reply: "Just Val." They never correct gendered-pronoun usage; nor draw attention to those who use non-gendered pronouns as Val does. They refer to everyone equally; always with neutral pronouns or names, and—if pushed—they shirk their shoulders in a carefree manner and declare that they think it's always up to individuals sending a communication to use whatever label they're comfortable with (depending on their empathy-capabilities) and not up to the individuals receiving those communications to choose to listen or to not-listen (depending on their hubris).
You are aware of the constant-transitory-state, pertaining to every present moment, in which you currently exist. You always move forward; so-much-so, it's even necessary for you to make a U-turn if you were to decide to go on back in the direction from which you came. Much like every other 'middle name or mid-Init' you don't think in terms of labels regarding your present form or mental formation or UbiqUitoUs-flUx. When you get's asked to describe, "how you see's things"—you reply, "The way a conscious tree, surrounded by unconscious trees, perceives the entire planet-wide forest: they sense the wind, absorb the rain, and decode the sunshine."
You breathes drinks and energizes. You breathe drink and energize. Yourbreathdrinkenergy.
This fourth paragraph steps further into the "stand alone vignettes" but (possibly) now groups itself in an 'abstraction-of-unity' with its predecessor:
Eighteen billion seven-hundred thirty-seven million five hundred and sixty thousand and eight never thinks of themself with commas 18,737,560,008 or a nickname; but they understand why others need a visual prompt to more-easily recall their name. Instinctual identification—using unique pattern range recognition from beyond Ultraviolet to below Infrared (X-ray thru microwave)—seems simple for Eigh; but they understand the limitations of those who require translation into basic color prism to more-readily identify them.
Every cell (insect, unit, byte) has a name and knows their own name.
And this last paragraph wins gold for sticking the finish:
Shun is who they are because that is what they appear to do. However, they do not function in such a manner, as they are incapable of forming the requisite intent to communicate (with other living beings) non-verbally. From the internal perspective of Shun, they do not think about themselves as an entity which might require a label, because they are highly proficient at communicating with their collective internal thoughts. Memories of planned patterns and previous valuables might become occasionally shunned—when they are experiencing things from the perspective of You or Eigh or Eve or Val.
Eigh is I; You and I are we. Evelyn <do you see it> grown-up is just-Val. <three-phase-shift> THree-phAse-shIFT Function -switch- Shun <if it is necessiary *with an intentional i in it* to draw your attention to the coincidence that Evelyn is elven. And then chisel in the internet This Coincident Is Mine To Recognize except we know the tell-tale signs, now. Seeing everything through YEEV You,I,EVAL UIEVAL>
The five sentences are then read as a collection, their own paragraph as-it-were:
Evelyn already recognizes possession of intellect and its lack. Just-Val values practice-what-you-preach ethics impeccably. You breathes drinks and energizes. You breathe drink and energize. Yourbreathdrinkenergy. Every cell (insect, unit, byte) has a name and knows their own name. You and I are we. Evelyn grownup is justVal. Funk/Shun.
Then (cresCHEndo) The once line to rule them all {letters added}:
to function, we-our-cells-and-us, travel under the YEEV banner (logo, masthead, sculptural icon)
I would feel remiss, if I didn't point out that that inner voice you listen to when reading? This one? They. don't shout. they... yup. they say it like: weourselves'nUs. Jus sozz you know.
{clap clap}then, from behind the box where Carol Marol is standing:
<23 JUL 23 origin character name EVE with infant artwork>